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About Us

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"strong minds, strong hearts and a strong community".

"Au manako maroiroi, au pukuatu maroiroi, Pupu’anga maroiroi"

What is Kāhui Ako?

Schools focus on going from a competitive organisation to a collaborative organisation. For our Tokoroa Kāhui Ako this journey has been incredible, it is about all our tamariki and together we are striving to make a difference and create an education pathway that will be beneficial for Tokoroa students. We are now working collaboratively alongside other teachers in schools, ECEs, Kindergarten, Kohanga Reo & Punanga.

It’s an amazing feeling to know that we are no longer working in isolation but working together to grow each other to build.

What is the Purpose?

Our main value for the Kāhui Ako is Mahi Ngātahi which brings about collaboration, collective responsibility, accountability and commitment to support and care for each other as we work through our Kāhui Ako journey. 


Te mea puapinga no te Pupu’anga Apii, ko te Rare Taokotai, na reia mai, e rauka ai te rare kapipiti, te apai’anga na te katoatoa, te turanga ekokokore ia e pera oki te vaerua turuturu e te akono meitaki tetai ia tatou e rare nei na roto i te kave’inga o te Pupu’anga Apii.

What do we value?

Kāhui Ako Competencies

These competencies describe the related behaviours as educators we will possess



Speaks about relationships, connections and a sense of belonging. Relationships are developed through shared experiences and working together. Making decisions for the collective good of all the community.

Piri’anga Koputangata - te autara nei no runga i te piri’anga, te itiki’anga e te vaerua papu tikai e ko teia tooku turanga vaevae. Ka tupu mai te piri’anga na roto mai i te au ora’anga aiteite tei aare’ia e pera te rare taokotai. Te akanoo tika’anga no te meitai no te katoatoa o te pupu’anga.



Showing integrity, sincerity and respect. Embodies a type of caring that is reciprocal and unqualified. It's an ethos of care.

Akapere’pere meitaki - te ka akari mai i te ora’anga tau tikae, te inangarotikai  e te aka ngateitei. E ora’anga utu’utu meitaki tei ruru okotai ia e te ano’ano o nga tua. E riti o te akono meitaki tikae.



Refers to becoming an effective and competent teacher. Developing skills and gaining knowledge. Teachers with mana (integrity and dignity) poses a demeanour of dignity and respect and recognise and develop the mana of the child. Mana enhancing. It’s also about acknowledging and becoming independent in one's own


Arataki tiratira tu - te akari mai nei i te tu te ka tau tikai no te puapii meitaki tikai toona tu e taana rare. Te kimi kite e te marama. Te puapii tei kou ia e te tau tikae e te tiratira tu, ka riro tei reira ei tauturu e te akamaroiroi i te tamariki kia akangateitei. Te turuturu akameitaki tikae o te akangateitei. E pera katoa oki, te vaerua inangaro e te kimi ravenga i te tauturu ia koe ua rai i te kimi i te kite.



Refers to unity and bonding, where a sense of unity and inclusiveness is created within the classroom and school by recognising everyone's mana.

Taokotai’anga - te akari mai nei i te ruru anga kia okotai, tei reira te vaerua taokotai e te ariki anga i te katoatoa i roto i te are apii e te apii mate aka tapu i te mero o te tangata taokotai.

Cook Islands Māori Translation - Puroku Hall

Meet The Team

ASL Team

WSL Team

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